Contrary to appearances, this blog is not dead.  I’ve just been busy, that’s all.  I promise I’ll be back with new content but in the meantime won’t you look in the sidebar to the right and click on one of the “popular posts” or recent posts?  Or click on a category and scroll thru.  If this is your first visit I might suggest that you start scrolling and keep scrolling scrolling down, down, down.  Think of it as “the best of” Ego-Vero.  And by “best of” I mean “all of”.

Godzilla warning

My goal is to inform, entertain and enlighten my readers and myself.  Mostly myself it seems, but occasionally I have a reader.  And since you’re here…to get you started I’ve picked out a few relatively recent posts.  Enjoy!

Meet An Old Friend of Mine (June 3, 2015)

Eulogy For A Metaphor (April 28, 2015)

California’s Leaders, Visionaries Lacking in Leadership, Vision (April 20, 2015)

A Puppy’s Tale – epilogue (March 28, 2015)