Monthly archive for April2014 - page 4

This will make your dog smile…

This will make your dog smile…

18 Dogs With Very Important Jobs

Very Nice.  I’ve been telling my dog to get a job for years.  Too late now, she’s reached retirement age.

Chronically Unemployed

Chronically Unemployed



Finally…a guide to efficient drinking

Finally…a guide to efficient drinking

Via The Washington Post Wonkblog: The Wonkblog Guide to Efficient Drinking

The article has lots of analysis, wines vs. beers vs. liquor.  Also – graphs!  It’s a must read if calories are your concern, but I have to admit that when I think of drinking efficiency, calories are not my primary concern.  Nor secondary or tertiary.  I mean, you can always eat less, right?

High Efficiency Delivery System

High Efficiency Delivery System


I find a Manhattan very efficient if followed by a second or third in fairly rapid succession.  Three things, though.  Well chilled glass, shaken (for God’s sake) and spill a little of the cherry juice in, too. Mmmmm…efficient!

This should scare the sh*t out of you…

This should scare the sh*t out of you…

…whether you are liberal or conservative, democrat or republican (or anything else).

A sitting Supreme Court Justice asserts that the 1st Ammendment is a “collective” right that exists not to prevent government abuses, but to ensure that ”public opinion could be channeled into effective governmental action.” Scary enough.  Even scarier is that 3 other sitting Justices agreed with that opinion.  The initial Justice is Steven Breyer and the quotes are from his dissenting opinion in the recent McCutcheon decision which has to do with campaign contributions and the constitutionality of limits thereto.

It is amazing to what lengths Progressive Liberals will go in order to justify their collectivist Oligarchich schemes.  Breyer’s assertions stand the First Ammendment on it’s head.  If the purpose if the 1st Ammendment were to ensure that the “collective” (read “majority” or  better yet “mob”) could channel their public opinion into effective government action why would it start out with “Congress Shall Make No Law…”?  Sounds like the intent was to impede “effective government action”.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” – First Ammendment

If you have read the Federalist Papers you should understand that the founder’s intent was the exact opposite of Breyer’s assertion of the right of collective speech in order to bring about effective governement action.  The founders feared “the tyranny of the majority” and therefore wanted to inhibit any government action unless it could be broadly agreed upon by all parties after being rigorously weighed and debated.  The intent was protection of the rights of the individual. Not exactly the opposite, as Breyer asserts.  And the fact that four of nine Justices support this opinion should scare you because all of our individual inalienable rights apparently are  hanging by a thread.

April 1st sees new record set in Obamacare propaganda

April 1st sees new record set in Obamacare propaganda

According to The White House Blog (of course the White House has a blog.  Doesn’t eveybody?) the fact that people were lining up across the nation to meet the enrollment deadline for Obamacare is a good thing.

People wait in line outside the Centro San Vicente at 8061 Alameda to sign up for the Affordable Care Act -  credit El Paso Times

People wait in line outside the Centro San Vicente at 8061 Alameda to sign up for the Affordable Care Act – credit El Paso Times


The White House can’t be that clueless.  Americans will line up gladly to be the first ones to own the latest hot gadget or book.  They don’t gladly line up to be the last ones.  If these people were excited about the prospect of signing up they would have lined up in December 2013.  They have only lined up at the last minute because there is a hypothetical gun to their head – this is their last chance to avoid a penalty.  That’s like saying all those people lined up at the post office at midnight every April 15th are doing so because they just can’t wait to pay their taxes.  Oh…hold on.  They did wait.  Just like these people.  They waited as long as possible for their sh*t sandwich.  And the sight of Americans lined up by order of the Government is not a good thing.


It's for your own good...if you know what I mean

It’s for your own good…if you know what I mean (and I think you do)

The Power of Truth…Part I

The Power of Truth…Part I

“Truth ever defies full definition. Like electricity it can only be explained by noting its manifestation. It is the compass of the soul, the guardian of conscience, the final touchstone of right. Truth is the revelation of the ideal; but it is also an inspiration to realize that ideal, a constant impulse to live it.”  – excerpt from “The Power of Truth” by William George Jordan.

Is Truth the same as “The Truth”?  I suppose that “The Truth” could be explained as the presence of a demonstrable fact, whereas “Truth” is more amorphous idea such as Love, Hate, Good, or Evil.  In other words the concept, though it exists in the realm of thought, can only be demonstrated in concrete terms by pointing to an example rather than a definition.  And though it may be the “compass of the soul” a being with free will is free to choose to ignore it.  As a navigational aid the compass will always point the same direction and by that measure can we gauge our own direction of travel.  The truth will ever be the Truth, it is only we who may waver in our pursuit of it.  Or we may reject it outright and choose other landmarks as we travel through our lives.  At the end to the sojourn will truth be realized if a course is charted correctly?  Indeed, can it be realized?  Or is the journey the destination and  so therein lies the only manifestation of Truth?


it’s April 1st so don’t believe anything you read on the internet today

it’s April 1st so don’t believe anything you read on the internet today

These two stories are abvious parodies….right?

NPR: “Do Girls Scout Cookies Still Make The World A Better Place?”  Short take from the article: OMG NO!!! Because “Girl Scout cookies are just another sign of the problem of hyperconsumption. … because you’re co-opting innocent children.”

Resistance is futile

Resistance is futile


The Guardian:  “Pheromone Parties: One Way To Sniff Out a New Lover”.  I’ll just give you a couple block quotes:

After sticking my nose in a few bags it became clear there were three distinct categories of smell: the not-really-smelling-of-anything-except-washing-powder, the drenched-in-aftershave, and the bloody-hell-have-you-never-considered-deodorant?


“All the girls are too clean,” one bloke complained. “Weren’t the rules that you couldn’t wash?” It turned out that he had provided one of the more potently “natural” offerings on the table.

something about this doesn't smell right

something about this doesn’t smell right


Sometimes I think that everyone on earth is crazy except you and me… and I’m not that sure about you.

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