“Pope Francis tells young people ‘chatting on the Internet or with smartphones (and) watching TV soap operas’ are futile and a waste of time”
Pope Francis made some remarks yesterday urging young people not to waste time on trivial or “futile” things. His remarks encompassed things like the internet and smartphones, and so some of the coverage I have read has portrayed this as a critcism of the technology. That misses the point.
Technological advances usually come about when a need for increased efficiency or production exists. Something is invented that satisfies that need, yielding the desired increase. Then other uses are found for the technology and eventually the technology finds leisure uses. What I’m getting at is that technology has the potential to make us either very productive and efficient, or it can also make us the opposite. It’s all in how we use it. It would be virtually impossible for me to practice mass communication if all I had was a pencil and pad of paper, or even a typrewriter. With a computer, the proper software and the internet, I can write these words and they can be seen by potentially millions of people without me ever leaving my chair. OR…conversely, I could sit in the same chair at the same screen and keyboard and do absolutely nothing but YouTube, Facebook, Instagram etc etc. etc.
The same thing is true with smartphones…time saver, or time waster…YOU DECIDE.
So to my point – Why We So Stupid, Eh? You have to say it with an Italian accent. When I read about Pope Francis’ remarks I heard that in my head, so maybe one of my ancestors was in there. Whoever it was – thanks! Why are we so prone to wasting our time on trivial pursuits? It’s like that’s the default setting for Human Nature. We have to be motivated to be productive, but absent that motivation it’s solitaire or Angry Birds all day long. All while we know that if there is one thing for sure about life, it is the fact that it will end one day.
“Our life is made up of time, and time is a gift from God, so it is important that it be used in good and fruitful actions.” – Pope Francis
“Good and Fruitful Actions” can be interpreted broadly, but I would say at a minimum that those actions would in some way serve a purpose or person outside of or greater than ourselves and be generally positive or uplifting in nature. God has given us only so much time here – we should be mindful that our actions are good and fruitful and that in some way, no matter how small, they contribute to the greater glory of God. Give Love! For when our time comes to an end there is only one thing we can take with us…and that is love.