Our Universities are asking the important questions. Question is, are they asking the right people?
On a daily basis, studies are undertaken at our Institutions of Higher Learning so that we may better understand our puzzling existence. These are all likely funded by our tax dollars, or at least by tuitions. Today’s example comes to us courtesy of the University of Rochester in New York. The study reveals that “Sex Over Food Is The Clear Choice For Some Males”. OK. At first glance I see that it does say some males, so I guess that we’re not all sex crazed lunatics, or at least some of us would rather not…err…procreate on an empty stomach. Let me look a little deeper into this study…oh…wait. The males in question happen to be male Nematodes. Nematodes are worms. Worms. That’s a cold shot. They had to play the invertebrate card – insert spineless male joke here. They could have at least studied Chimps or something. Or a mammal of some kind. Is that too much to ask? So our basis of understanding the male of the human species is derived from the study of worm brains. Close enough, I guess. I suppose there are some days when I would lose a chess match with a nematode. One of the smarter ones, sure. But still.
What about women? Did we study any female nematodes to find out if they would rather eat or…you know? Apparently some research has been done on this. For the result we turn to the lexicon of knowledge known as Glamour Magazine for a report on a poll done by Today.com and Match.com about whether females would rather give up sex or their favorite food for a year. Spoiler: sex wins. Thank God…I mean…never mind. I assume they polled female humans and not nematodes or any other invertebrates. It does say they asked 4,000 “people” and last I checked nematodes were not considered people unless there is some movement I haven’t heard about. Lemme google that real quick…shit. Apparently if they are not considered people yet, they may be soon.
We’re trying to better understand what our two most basic instincts may be – the need to survive and the need to reproduce in the modern context of assured survival and possible over-propagation of the species. And apparently our best research choices are to study worm brains, or read Glamour magazine. I guess the result couldn’t be any worse than if you just asked someone. Once in a College Philosophy class discussion about reality, one of the guys posited “If you can’t chew it or screw it, it ain’t real”. Yes, yes, we know. But the question is chew first and screw later, or vice versa?
So our universities are asking the important questions, but are they asking the right…uhh…organisms? Dunno. Nobody asked me. Anyway, I’m hungry. But there’s something I gotta do first.