My second Music Friday post is related to the first in that it is somewhat of a prequel to my Happy Birthday Paul McCartney post directly below this one.  This post features a Paul McCartney song from the Beatles final album, the last Beatles album recorded before McCarntey’s solo career began – Abbey Road.  The song is: You Never Give Me Your Money:

Someone may say that Let it Be was the Beatles last album, which is at least technically correct in that it was released after Abbey Road;  However it was recorded before Abbey Road.  And so chronologically, in terms of the life of the group, Abbey Road is their final album.

Personal history note:  when this album was released there was a rumor that Paul McCartney had died and that the news was being kept secret;  However… there were clues secretly recorded on the album.  A friend of mine and I, using a small cheap reel to reel tape recorder (3″ or 4″ reels), recorded and played back in reverse some parts of the album.  There was no smoking gun, but there was some weird stuff on there which I have to assume was done intentionally.  I don’t remember the deatails now, but it was enough to make a couple teenagers say “Whoa…” (the word “dude” had not yet entered the lexicon).