If you listen to The Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation, there are no normal kids today.  They all suffer from “Sensory Processing Disorder”

Every.  Blessed.  One.  Of.  Them.

Via Althouse I find the New Republic article Is “Sensory Processing Disorder” a Real Medical Condition?”.  The article is subtitled “Thousands of parents say it is.  The Psychiatric establishment disagrees”.  Well thank God for that.  A read of the article discloses a litany of parents with little common sense or parenting skills but seemingly with plenty of money.  And what do you do when you have a problem?  You throw money at it, that’s what.  Little Johnny won’t put his shoes on?  Hire an expert to give you advice like this:

British mother complains her five-year-old throws tantrums any time he has to wear footwear… a month later…her occupational therapist recommended a daily ritual of rubbing her son’s feet across the carpet, jumping 20 times, soaking his feet in cold water, and “squishing” them before putting his socks and shoes on: “Boy, I don’t think I have time to do all this before school.” 

What kind of normal five year old throws tantrums?  Oh that’s right…EVERY ONE OF THEM SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME!  In a glimmer of hope for the human race, the article states that the idea of “Sensory Processing Disorder” is “sheer quackery” and that there is no “consensus” among the psychiatric community.

On the downside, there are “thousands” of parents  who say “oh no, this is real”.  Take a look at this graphic:

Note: I have removed the illustration at the request of the copyright holder.

There is not a single behavior on that list that I would not consider typical childhood behavior at one time or another.  Why are some of them even on there?  If your kid has a habit of sniffing or smelling objects or people, just ignore it.  It’s a phase – he will outgrow it by middle school, trust me.  His friends will help.  Or hers – no misogyny intended.  Of course you may prefer the regime of daily nostril massage recommended by “occupational therapists”.  That’ll be $250.  Thank you.

Apparently when you are The Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation, everything looks like…you know.  Disorder or not, the symptoms have been around since children have been around.  And adults have developed skills to cope with them by recognizing one of the Laws of Human Nature: Children are master manipulators.  Their survival depends on their ability to manipulate their adults (parents) into providing food and shelter that they cannot provide themselves.  And they will not hesitate to expand the scope of their manipulative powers to control every action you take.  Most of those behaviors (or misbehaviors) are designed to get you to do/not do what the child wants/doesn’t want.  It’s that simple – and every time you give in to the child, it reinforces the behavior. Sidenote:  anyone notice anything?…Anyone?  It’s a lot like some adult behavior as well.  We humans are strange critters.  No wonder the ETs are staying away.

I think people often underestimate the personal sacrifice parenting takes and some may be ill-equipped to devote the level of commitment it requires. Parenting takes time, patience and most of all attention.   Kiss your “me time” goodbye for about 25 years depending on the number of children you have.  Children are developing adults, and the job of a parent is to guide that process –  by being a loving nurturer, benevolent dictator and occasional assasin.  You are not your child’s friend.  If they want you to be their friend, Congratulations.  You have the upper hand in the power struggle of who manipulates who.  And don’t feel bad about it because they’d use it against you in a heartbeat.