Let the Liberal hand-wringing begin. Reuters: “California Breakup Plan Would Create Rich and Poor States: Report”. If there is one thing that cannot be tolerated in California – whether it is one California or Six – it is inequality.
In case you are wondering what I’m talking about, there is an initiative being considered for the California ballot called The Six Sates Initiative which would create six separate states out of California.
According to the Reuters story, the richest state would be Silicone Valley with a per Capita income of $63,288, and the poorest would be Central California with a per capita income of $46,477. The story also states that the plan has raised “bipartisan hackles”, but quotes no one. Near as I can tell, everyone outside of “Silicone Valley”, “West California” and “South California” thinks it’s a great idea because those areas are heavily populated and deeply liberal/Democratic while the rest of the state is more sparsely populated and leans Independent/Conservative/Republican and are tired of being force fed a liberal Democrat agenda. As far as the fiscal disparity, they are sure they can handle their own affairs.
Of course, the stated “inequality” exists even now, regardless of the initiative, but I doubt the concern is great enough for the rich to “redistribute” any of their wealth to their “poorer” bretheren. All that’s needed is to defeat the initiative, keep those people on the la-la liberal plantation and everything will be fine.
Cross posted at Men Out of Work Blog