When I do a Music Friday post I usually like to give it some sort of theme. I had a little trouble this week because as I write this it is 5:10 AM and I am not at my – shall we say – sharpest. But I have nothing to lose, so here goes.
OK, coffee’s kicking in now.
The whole Music Friday theme itself came about kind of by accident. I’ve always had a Music category on the blog from day one, but it just so happened that a few weeks in a row when I posted about music it happened on Fridays. Theme junkie that I am, Music Friday was born and the rest is history. So where was I? Oh yeah. Searching for a theme. Searching. Searching. If only…wait…I have an idea.
Here’s one everybody knows; Artist: Chicago
Here’s one some of you might know; Artist:George Benson
Here’s one you should know; Artist: Average White Band
Finally; Who the heck is Lasgo?
Whew! that was close, but I knew I’d find a theme if I searched long enough. Thanks for watching, listening and reading. I have to go now in search of a paycheck. Have a great weekend!