I blogged awhile back about a few music performance shows that I found on cable and one of them was Guitar Center Sessions.  You can guess by the name it’s mainly guitarists or bands where the guitarist(s) are prominent, so if you like some guitar playin’, this is your show.  Anyhoo…I happened to catch an episode a few weeks ago with Peter Frampton.  Yeah, you know “Frampton Comes Alive” Peter Frampton, though he was well established before that came out in 1976 (38 years ago! Sh*t!).  He played a song I did not expect – not one of his.  The song was played as an instrumental – no vocal (except the voice box solo) and it was…awesome.  I would have never expected him to play this song, coincidentally one of my favorites:  Soungarden’s “Black Hole Sun” (I know!):


Though the hair is gone, the jam is on.