According to The White House Blog (of course the White House has a blog. Doesn’t eveybody?) the fact that people were lining up across the nation to meet the enrollment deadline for Obamacare is a good thing.
The White House can’t be that clueless. Americans will line up gladly to be the first ones to own the latest hot gadget or book. They don’t gladly line up to be the last ones. If these people were excited about the prospect of signing up they would have lined up in December 2013. They have only lined up at the last minute because there is a hypothetical gun to their head – this is their last chance to avoid a penalty. That’s like saying all those people lined up at the post office at midnight every April 15th are doing so because they just can’t wait to pay their taxes. Oh…hold on. They did wait. Just like these people. They waited as long as possible for their sh*t sandwich. And the sight of Americans lined up by order of the Government is not a good thing.