I did not forget (nor should you) the June 6th Anniversary of D-Day, the Allied invasion of Normandy that was the beginning of the end of World War II. This year marked the 70th Anniversary. My heartfelt thanks go out to all who took part in any way, be they living or dead. Thank You.
They probably don’t teach much about World War II in schools these days. Young people would be wise to study this time period on their own, or you should help any young people you know to learn about it. There are excellent resources available, many decent documentaries on cable tv every day.These were times of true existential crises, not the puffed up pretend dangers of today. To learn about the past is to appreciate how good you have it today because people then had the strength to see things through to a positive conclusion. Virtually everyone sacrificed in some way and millions of non-combatants died. So: Remember!
cross posted at Men Out of Work Blog