…that in order to uphold our policy of inclusivity, we must exclude you.  This is the short version of what passes for politically correct logic today.   In the name of inclusivity, diversity and tolerance, one must adhere stricly to groupthink or risk exclusion.  Heresy will not be tolerated!


Mozilla: “We Believe In Openness & That No One Should Be Persecuted For The Beliefs They Hold, No Matter What They Are.”

This was the reasoning behind Mr. Eich’s “forced resignation”.  No irony intended, apparently.  Once upon a time people could disagree with one another, and then go about living and working together.  A person was entitled to their opinion, this being a free country and all.  Today if one disagrees with progressive ideas or policy, then that person is condemned as a bigot, hatemonger or worse; and that person must be punished – threatened with physical harm and/or have their livelihood taken away, branded as a pariah.  In a society that values free expression and freedom of speech there should exist a marketplace of ideas, where competing opinions are compared, argued and debated using evidence such as facts, logic and history among other things.  Today it is more and more evident that the marketplace of ideas has become for the Left a battlefield of ideas where the objective is not to change an opponent’s mind but to silence and destroy them.  This is a dangerous place to be regardless of the opinions you hold because what is in fashion today may be out of fashion tomorrow.

Beware those who preach tolerance and divesity, yet practice neither.