We’ll probably never know, since the City has decided to drain a 38,000,000 gallon reservoir because someone peed in it.  We’ve already explored how much pee it would take in your pool to make it dangerous.  Now, due to the events in Portland we get to explore how much pee might be acceptable in your drinking water.  Turns out, it’s a lot.  Which isn’t that surprising  since it is not uncommon for people to survive when drinking their own urine (!).  It is 95% water after all.

Seems normal...

Seems normal…


So if a teenager pees into a 38,000,000 gallon reservoir, Portland City officials think it needs to be drained.  Granted they have a lot more water up north than we do in California, but that still seems like a waste.  Especially since no one keeps track of all the bird and animal feces, dead animals, etc that undoubtedly find their way into an open air reservoir.    Anyway… odd for a town that hosts an annual event on World Naked Bikeride Day.  Those riders might get thirsty!  Now you know what they mean by “Keep Portland Weird”.