One of the conventional wisdoms of the liberal orthodoxy has long been the belief that zealous religious moralists wished to station themselves at your bedroom door and listen for any… *ahem*… unnatural acts occuring inside so that the perpetrators of said acts could be condemned and shamed, if not outright prosecuted and jailed. Makes perfect sense, right? It’s the church ladies of the right who demand strict moral adherence to their dogma, especially when talking to the young ‘uns. You college kids! Keep it in your pants! Or keep it out of your pants! Or keep your pants on! Or panties! Or something! Talk about a buzzkill. Way to ruin Saturday nights.
But that was then. This is now.
And now The Good Guys are in charge, so maybe we do need a few rules in the bedroom. For the children. The California Legislature got right on that. The Governor got right on that. Hmmm…maybe poor choice of words. What I mean is that the Legislature wrote the bill and the Governor signed it. Now we have the Affirmative Consent Law. For The Children®. Or at least the Female children. The Male children? Not so much. We had to do something because of the rape epidemic. Haven’t you heard? All sex is rape – check that – all heterosexual sex is rape. Therefore all men are rapists. Oh. No wonder. Carry on, then.