Ego Vero Seek and you shall find... Ask and the door shall be opened - page 13

What Are They Thinking?

What Are They Thinking?

“They” being animals.  I lifted the post title from the article “What are Animals Thinking? (Hint:More Than You Suspect)”. There are some interesting observations in the short article, but after reading it turns out that it’s just a preview – almost an advertisement –  for the Time book “The Animal Mind” (On Newsstands Now!).

Since the most popular post on the blog is “What Makes a Human Different From an Animal?” I thought that this would be a natural topic to do a follow up post.  The original post ended up being more of a reflection on animal rights vs. human rights.  Not having read “The Animal Mind” because I do not know where I might find one of these “newsstand”  things, I can only go with the ideas put forth in the preview article which seem to focus more on animal intelligence and “intellect” if you will, based on animals’ exhibition of so-called “human” behaviors and their relative success at performing those behaviors.  There is no doubt that all animals have some degree of intelligence.  We’ve heard for years that some animals are “smarter” than others – A pig is smarter than a horse, which is smarter than a dog, which is smarter than etc, etc.  Also, a (fill in the blank) is as intelligent as a (blank) year old child.  A quote from the article:

“Animals, the research is proving, are creatures capable of reflection, bliss, worry and more. Not all of them in the same ways or to the same degrees, surely, but all of them in far deeper measures than we’ve ever believed.”

Interesting, if true.  I guess I’ll have to read “The Animal Mind” to find out how you measure whether an animal feels “bliss” or whether they worry.  I think that these type of “human behaviors”, if that’s what you want to call them, require a certain amount of self- awareness.  All animals are self-aware to some extent – they’d have to be to survive.  I think the question lies in determining how much of their behavior is geneticaly embedded “instictive” behavior and how much is driven by intellectual reasoning and emotion.  To the extent that certain behaviors are noted I think that it is interesting that the behaviors do not seem to overlap species which leads me to believe that much of it, no matter how human it seems, is instinct.

I don’t believe that cats groom themselves because they worry that their hair  doesn’t look good.  But that doesn’t mean that I like cats any less because of it.  There are a lot of people who are emotionally invested in portraying animals as “beings” – just look to the animal rights movement for proof.  I think animals have it better today than at any time in the past; machines have taken over a lot of the labor we used to use animals for.  The animals we eat are raised and slaughtered more humanely than in the past and we’re probably eating fewer of them to boot.  Animal cruelty is socially unacceptable today.  These are all good things.


Often I would like to know what is going on inside my dog’s head, though I don’t think there’s a lot of intellectual activity going on there.  But that won’t stop me from trying to live up her expectatations and to be the kind of person she thinks I am.  Or rather the kind of person I imagine that she thinks I am.

NEVER Forget

NEVER Forget

airliner towers


CA Legislature Declares WAR!!……

CA Legislature Declares WAR!!……

Not content to ban single use plastic shopping bags, the California Legislature has moved to ban free distribution of single use PAPER shopping bags at stores and supermarkets.  Notice I said free distribution.  Per Senate Bill 270, single use carryout bags may still be provided to customers – at a cost of not less than ten cents each.  So apparently all those extra dimes floating around will be the solution to whatever problem was caused by single use plastic or paper carryout shopping bags.  Oh wait.  There never was a problem caused by either of these.  So…problem solved anyway!  And it only costs a dime!  Huzzah!!  Be sure to look for more small change based solutions coming your way from the geniuses in Sacramento.

More: – Soon We Will Be Mandated To Haul Our Groceries, Booze and Hamburgers Around In Organic-Certified, Fair-Trade, Shade-Grown Burlap Sacks – California Plastic Bag Ban Survives After All

I hope that not all liberals are fuzzy headed enough to believe that plastic shopping bags are the scourge of our lifetime, but I don’t see any evidence of that.  I reuse virtually all of the plastic shopping bags I get when I shop, so if they are banned I will simply have to buy other plastic bags for those uses.  Amount of plastic “saved”? Zero.  The platic bags are recyclable (as are the paper bags).  Yet they are not listed as acceptable materials to be placed in the County recycle containers where I live (the paper bags can be placed in the recycle bins).  I will not use re-usable bags that are transporters of E. Coli and Salmonlella, which is a far greater real problem than any imagined issue related to plastic bags. There are so many common sense “solutions” to any of the so-called problems created by shopping bags, however, they require a little thought instead of just a knee-jerk reaction.  And as we all know by know, there is no room for thoughtful reflection or logic when it comes to creating the Liberal Utopia of California.


Finally…an interactive map showing relative popularity of dogs vs. cats in the U.S.

Finally…an interactive map showing relative popularity of dogs vs. cats in the U.S.

This is coverage you count on…brought to you by…take a guess.  National Enquirer?  People Magazine?  Cosmo?  Wrong!  Via the Washington Post Wonkblog, I give you “Where Cats Are More Popular Than Dogs In The U.S. – And All Over The World”.  Interactive map I promised you is at the link.  Somebody’s got to get the word out, so not fair for me to blame the messenger.  People (like me) are blogging about it and linking it, so I guess Mission Accomplished.  Anyhoo…what’s your guess as to who’s the most popular?  SPOILER ALERT!  Turns out it’s pretty close to even steven everywhere, at least in the U.S.  Europe is another story.  They like their cats over there because they are so…European.

Meanwhile, who is more popular with Baby Elephants?

Moral of the story?  Do not mess with a baby elephant unless you want the Monty Python Treatment.

This Is Just Wrong

This Is Just Wrong

Giant Mutant Spider Dog Terrorizes Polish Countryside


Music Friday On A Monday Related To The Previous Post Edition

Music Friday On A Monday Related To The Previous Post Edition

On a related note (as is most everything I think or say or do), I have a song for you from Dusty Springfield who I mentioned in the previous post.  She is related to The Seekers in that her brother and producer wrote some of the Seekers’ hit songs.  Her smoky voice and singing style made her one of the first artists of the “blue-eyed soul” genre.  Perhaps I will devote a full fledged Music Friday post to her soon.  For today, here is her first hit song from 1963.

Dusty Springfield died of breast cancer in 1999.  RIP.

Music Friday – Special Music Monday Edition

Music Friday – Special Music Monday Edition

Since I was off the grid and I missed last Music Friday, here’s your Music Monday.  Actually isn’t every day music day?

Since we are all seekers to one degree or another, I thought it appropriate to feature The Seekers as our guests today.  Humans of my vintage may remember The Seekers, as they had a few hit songs back in the mid to late 1960’s.

This is maybe the most recognizable song done by the group, since it charted at #1 in the UK and #4 in the US in 1965, a song written by Tom Springfield who was the brother of Dusty Springfield:

Finally, another Tom Springfield compostion which charted at #20 that same year:

Final note:  The Seekers were Australian, not British.  So, as they say down under, “Good on ya!”

Sorry About The Unexplained Absence

Sorry About The Unexplained Absence

I have been away from home on a family matter.  I had expected to have time for some light blogging and that has proved not to be the case, in fact this is the first time I have had the computer out of the case.  I will have a few posts in the next day or so and be back up to speed in a few days.  In the meantime, watch this:


I always thought the Karmann Ghia was a cool enough little car even with the stock VW powerplant, but that a few extra horsepower would make it more interesting, and a sleeper version would be even better.  The fact that this one’s a hot rod is a little too obvious for my taste.  Mine would be more understated.

Music Friday – Palate Cleanser Edition

Music Friday – Palate Cleanser Edition

You probably need a palate cleanser after that smorgsbord, right?  Here something a little more mainstream, the Doobie Brothers featuring ‘Blue Eyed Soul Man” Michael McDonald.  Before he became known as “White Lighting” after , you know, his hair turned white.  Enjoy:

Thanks for reading…err…watching.  Wait… no.  Listening!  Thanks for listening!

Music Friday – Smorgasbord of Meaning Edition

Music Friday – Smorgasbord of Meaning Edition

How do you like that? Smorgasbord of Meaning.  Great name for a band.  Anyhoo, due to the constraints of time this week you get to imagine your own commentary to these three Donald Fagen / Steely Dan tunes.  (As you may or may not know, remember or care, Walter Becker, Donald Fagen and their creation Steely Dan form a major part of my musical…uh…persona).

First: it means whatever you want it to mean.

Next: It feels soooo good.

Finally: Thanks for calling.

Next post:  Palate cleanser.  Bye!

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