Ego Vero Seek and you shall find... Ask and the door shall be opened - page 16

Yellowstone Supervolcano Eruption Imminent – NOT!

Yellowstone Supervolcano Eruption Imminent – NOT!

Some rumors were started on the internet that an eruption of the Yellowstone Supervolcano was imminent;   Alternative new sites had reported earthquakes, road closures, and that the park was being evacuated in advance of an eruption, and so the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory felt obligated to release a statement denying the “reports”. The YVO released an official statement  denying the rumors and “reports”:  Yellowstone Park Adresses Rumors of Earthquakes, Eruptions and Evacuations.  

This immediately fueled internet rumors and alternative news source reports that a Large Asteroid Impact on the Continental United States is imminent.

smiling asteroid


Music Friday – Pretender Side Note Edition

Music Friday – Pretender Side Note Edition

From 1955, “The Great Pretender” by The Platters.  According to wikipedia this song was the namesake for The Pretenders.  Now you know.

Music Friday – Pretender Edition

Music Friday – Pretender Edition

In keeping with today’s pretend theme, I will pretend that you would like to know about and hear a few songs from The Pretenders.  The group was formed in London during the late 1970s, though Chrissie Hynde was from Akron, Ohio.  The band has gone through several personnel changes but Hynde has been the constant.  They enjoyed a fair amount of success through the 70s and 80s, into the 90s.  They are still together as of 2012.

The first song in our lineup still receives a ton of airplay on classic rock stations today.  It’s from the very beginning of the 1980s, January 1980 to be exact.  Title:  “Brass in Pocket”

Gonna use my my my ‘magination alright.  OK, next song was their biggest hit in the US, staying at #5 on the charts for three weeks in 1982: “Back on the Chain Gang”

Alrighty then.  The next song is the “B” side to the previous song.  Most people probably couldn’t tell you the title, they just know it as “The Rush Limbaugh Song”.  The actual title is “My City Was Gone”:

I’ll forego the usual three song format so I can add a fourth, their final song to chart in the US.  This song reached #16 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1990.  The ballad: “I’ll Stand By You”

I’ll will stand by you.  Indeed.  Hope you enjoyed The Pretenders.  Have a great Friday!


Are you there? Say a prayer for the Pretender

Are you there?  Say a prayer for the Pretender

The Jackson Browne lyric came to mind when I was thinking of a title for this post.  An alternate title might be why “we should pretend not to be afraid”.  Because every day there is fear of one kind or another, to one degree or another.  To live is to exist in a state of fear.

On occasion we find ways to soothe our fear, but to acknowledge fear is to empower it.  And so should we pretend it does not exist? Well, pretending is bad, isn’t it?  Isn’t pretending a form of dishonesty?  Not neccessarily.  If your intent is deception, then yes, it is an act of dishonety.  But pretense needn’t be a foundation for deception.  Let it be a foundation for transformation.  For example:

“Don’t pretend to be what you’re not, instead, pretend to what you want to be, it is not pretence, it is a journey to self realization.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson

Perhaps you’ve never heard of Micahel Bassey Johnson.  Fair enough.  You’ve heard of Ralph Waldo Emerson?  Try this on for size:

“Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself.  Go forward and make your dreams come true”Ralph Waldo Emerson

Dreaming, self-realization, transformation….pretending.  I’m pretending right now.  I’m pretending I’m wearing pants.  Just Kidding!  Seriously though, I’m pretending that I’m not afraid of someone reading this and thinking that I am stupid.  I’m pretending that someone might care at all, or that someone might read this and have an epiphany.  Without those pretenses, I probably wouldn’t bother with this at all.  In that way pretending becomes intending.  Intending becomes…???

We live in two worlds, the  spiritual and the physical.  Apparently we are more suited to the spiritual since humankind seems to have no shortage of dreams, theories, ideas and imagination, but when we try to bring these things into physical reality we stumble.  The two worlds don’t interface seamlessly; it appears to us that some “things” can only exist in one or the other.  But is that really true?  If it is possible to dream a dream, why can’t a dream be lived?  One thing I know – you can’t live your dream without pretending.

Why We So Stupid, Eh?

Why We So Stupid, Eh?

“Pope Francis tells young people ‘chatting on the Internet or with smartphones (and) watching TV soap operas’ are futile and a waste of time”

Pope Francis made some remarks yesterday urging young people not to waste time on trivial or “futile” things.  His remarks encompassed things like the internet and smartphones, and so some of the coverage I have read has portrayed this as a critcism of the technology.  That misses the point.

Technological advances usually come about when a need for increased efficiency or production exists.  Something is invented that satisfies that need, yielding the desired increase.  Then other uses are found for the technology and eventually the technology finds leisure uses.  What I’m getting at is that technology has the potential to make us either very productive and efficient, or it can also make us the opposite.  It’s all in how we use it.  It would be virtually impossible for me to practice mass communication if all I had was a pencil and pad of paper, or even a typrewriter.  With a computer, the proper software and the internet, I can write these words and they can be seen by potentially millions of people without me ever leaving my chair.  OR…conversely, I could sit in the same chair at the same screen and keyboard and do absolutely nothing but YouTube, Facebook, Instagram etc etc. etc.

The same thing is true with smartphones…time saver, or time waster…YOU DECIDE.

So to my point – Why We So Stupid, Eh?  You have to say it with an Italian accent.  When I read about Pope Francis’ remarks I heard that in my head, so maybe one of my ancestors was in there.  Whoever it was – thanks!  Why are we so prone to wasting our time on trivial pursuits?  It’s like that’s the default setting for Human Nature.  We have to be motivated to be productive, but  absent that motivation it’s solitaire or Angry Birds all day long.  All while we know that if there is one thing for sure about life, it is the fact that it will end one day.

“Our life is made up of time, and time is a gift from God, so it is important that it be used in good and fruitful actions.” – Pope Francis

“Good and Fruitful Actions” can be interpreted broadly, but I would say at a minimum that those actions would in some way serve a purpose or person outside of or greater than ourselves and be generally positive or uplifting in nature.  God has given us only so much time here – we should be mindful that our actions are good and fruitful and that in some way, no matter how small, they contribute to the greater glory of God.  Give Love!  For when our time comes to an end there is only one thing we can take with us…and that is love.

Apparently Every Time You Get Dizzy…

Apparently Every Time You Get Dizzy…

But we still go back for more.

As a fellow afficionado of the word “apparently”, I have to say I love this kid.  He does say that apparently he’s a kid.  I guess the fair is a lot like life.  Apparently we go around and around, apparently every time we get dizzy.  Yet we persist.  Then we go down the super slide and are apparently scared half to death.  We just freak out.

Hat tip: Althouse

Auntie Fee Makes a Snack For The Kids

Auntie Fee Makes a Snack For The Kids

Let’s just say that it’s a good thing the 2010 Healthy Hunger- Free Kids Act doesn’t apply in home kitchens – yet.  And if it ever does, I pity the poor bastard from the FDA (or HHS, DEA, or whatever) who has to visit Auntie Fee and ensure her compliance.  Language warning, but it’s nothing you haven’t heard before:

Hat Tip: Ace of Spades HQ

Old and Busted: Don’t make a Federal Case Out Of It! New Hotness: Make a Federal Case Out Of Everything!

Old and Busted: Don’t make a Federal Case Out Of It!    New Hotness: Make a Federal Case Out Of Everything!

We used to have a saying when we were kids and someone was getting mad over a small thing.  We would say sarcastically “Don’t make  a federal case out of it!”  Now it’s popular to do just the opposite.  Let’s make a federal case out of everything!  The one important difference?  It’s the adults talking now.

Case In Point: what kids eat in school.  For approximately as long as kids and schools have existed, the only issues with what kids ate at school were the speculative origins of the various mystery entrees in school lunches.  Now, since “The Children”® are either morbidly obese or malnourished depending on which particular do-gooder is speaking we now must have the Federal Nose stuck into everyone’s business.  And idiocy ensues.

Courtesy of Business Insider, we learn that the Federal Initiative called “Let’s Move” is unpopular with the kids it was designed to “help”.  Part of the “Let’s Move” initiative was a revamping of the school meal standards in the National School Lunch Program.  Yes, you heard me – the National School Lunch Program.  Of course these revisions were undertaken with the best of intentions.  And when you’re do-goodin’, intentions are all that matter.  The reason it is unpopular?  Because the “right portions” and “healthier food options” required by the initiative are apparently very small and/or inedible and the kids are left hungry after lunch.  Kids being kids, they have taken to social media, namely Twitter and are tweeting pictures of their lunches along with sarcastic remarks – follow this link to see some of their tweets:  Business Insider – Students Are Tweeting Photos of Awful School Lunches….

Now everyone knows that other than school cafeteria lunches, the only other time food and school intersect is at Bake Sale Time.  Bake Sales have long been a way for school groups to raise money for any number of causes, and it’s a treat for the kids, too.  And they still will be – albeit with appropriate supervision.  Because starting this fall, we’ve made a Federal Case out of it.  There is literally a Federal Law governing the fare offered at school bake sales:  The 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, one of the stated goals of which is to fight childhood obesity…apparently by by making kids hunger-free.  And the best way to make them hunger free is to only offer them foods they won’t eat.  Makes perfect sense *eyeroll*.  Read the details in this article at the Wall Street Journal: “Put Down The Cupcake:  New Ban Hits School Bake Sales”

Remember that the people making these rules are only doing it for your own good.  You need their help because you aren’t smart enough to make good decisions.  And they care more than you.  And they think they are better than you.

And when you finaly figure out there’s a boot on your throat, remember: it’s for your own good.




Music Friday Marginally Related To Reality Edition

Music Friday Marginally Related To Reality Edition

Today a man said something:  Obama says ‘After 9-11 we tortured some folks’

Music Friday – New Wave Edition

Music Friday – New Wave Edition

Welcome to another edition of Music Friday.  I’m your host, Kasey Kasem.  Jumping of on a tangent from last Music Friday, today we will foray into the New Wave Movement of  the late 1970s and early 1980s.  New Wave Music was an evolution of Punk Rock, tweaked ever so slightly to give it some mainstream appeal and therefore chance of commercial viability.  If you are about my age and have ever listened to a radio, you have probably heard these songs, which I chose to highlight the fact that New Wave did what it set out to do, which was reach an audience.

First up, English group The Fixx.  This song, “One Thing Leads To Another”, is their most successful recording, having reached #4 on the US Billboard Top 100 in 1983:

Loved it.  OK, next here is a band from Scotland called Big Country.  This song, “In a Big Country” was popular at the same time as the previous song, as it reached #17 on the US Billboard Top 100 the same year. Give a listen:

Sounds Scottish, no?  Apparently those are not bagpipes you hear, but heavily engineered electric guitar.  Interesting.  Moving on to our final stop, we have the English group Tears For Fears.  They had many commercial successes, this song being one of them.  “Head Over Heels” reached #3 on the US Billboard Top 100 in 1985:

There you have just a little taste of the late 70s and early 80s.  Have a favorite that I overlooked?  Leave it in the comments.  I take requests!

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