Ego Vero Seek and you shall find... Ask and the door shall be opened - page 8

Old and Busted: Kids “Play Doctor”; New Hotness: Kids “Commit Sexual Assault”

Old and Busted: Kids “Play Doctor”; New Hotness: Kids “Commit Sexual Assault”

This has been in my draft folder for a couple months.  In light of the recent Lena Dunham kerfuffle, I decided to finish it up and post it.  If you don’t know what the Lena Dunham kerfuffle is, keep reading.

One of Life’s cliches is the occasional episode of kids “playing doctor”, which is considered innocent exploration under most circumstances such as when the participants are very young, all approximately the same age, none are coerced, and when there is no overt attempt at sexual stimulation or gratification.

In November of 2011 in Grant County Wisconsin, felony sexual assault charges were brought against a 6 year old boy for an incident of playing doctor.  If the details of this story are true then playing doctor appears to be what happened, yet the Grant County District Attorney opted to charge the 6-year-old “perpetrator” with first degree felony sexual assault.  The kids involved even said they were playing “butt doctor”, and the parents of the “perpetrator” (scare quotes intentional) said their son had recently been to the doctor and had his little bottom examined and had an enema.  So it’s not surprising that he might want to reenact the event, this time as the examiner rather that the examinee.  The charge of sexual assault was levied because the perpetrator is alleged to have inserted his finger into the victim’s anus, though the victim denies this.  According to the article, penetration of any kind is defined by Wisconsin law as “sexual intercourse”, and so the way the prosecutor sees it sexual intercourse occured and a Judge affirmed there was probable cause for the charge to stand.

Since I’m not an attorney, nor am I familiar with Wisconsin law, I have a few questions.  What is the rationale behind charging a six year old with such a crime?  Doesn’t there have to be some form of intent behind a crime, and can a six year old form that intent?  These questions will not be answered because this case was settled by a consent decree and so was never adjudicated.

Which brings us to…Lena Dunham, star of the HBO series Girls, during which Dunham apparently spends a lot of time being randomly naked.  Disclaimer: I have never seen, nor will I likely ever see an episode of Girls.  Nowadays in current pop culture, persons with…*ahem*…unique personalities are routinely celebrated, and Dunham is no exception – she is the poster child of the “accept me for who I am without judgement” movement and for some reason has become a feminist icon.  Anyway, someone convinced her that it would be a good idea for her to write her autobiography.  She did so and it was published.  Via her own words, we learn that her upbringing was atypical, being the spoiled daughter of rich Manhattanite artist parents:  father, Carroll Dunham and mother Laurie Simmons.  And we also learn of several instances of Dunham’s…uhh…”exploration” of her little sister’s genitals.  Dunham herself described her behavior as that of a “sexual predator” which she now claims was an attempt at humor.  For her part, her now grown sister Grace claims no harm done.  Controversy arose when certain journalists read her book, and expressed opinions that her exploits with her younger sibling may have amounted to child abuse if not outright sexual assault.  Those parties have been characterized in the media as being “on the right” which is code for “religious busybodies who want to get involved in everyone’s business”, but I have seen concern regarding Dunham’s actions come from all sides of the political spectrum.  Dunham has now threatened to sue some of the journalists for falsely defaming her, though they claim they were only quoting her work verbatim.  So we’ll have the law involved here, too.

I guess it’s time to make my point.  While I am always up for some good old pop culture bashing, I’m having a hard time getting on this particular bandwagon.  The original notion of this post was that little kids do stuff, usually innocently.  They always have and I suspect they always will, and adults didn’t make a huge deal out of it in the past, but seem more eager to make a big deal of it now.  Maybe this is happening because of a perceived coarsening of our culture combined with a belief in a need to be more vigilant in protecting the innocent.  The point of my “Old and Busted…New Hotness” posts is generally that American society, if not human society as a whole is going straight to hell in a handbasket, so let me be clear that I still think that’s true.  But throwing charges of sexual assault around at children isn’t going to slow the descent.

Childhood “exploration” may be common, but it is not universal.  People who did experience it seem not to be harmed by it, while people who did not experience it are revolted and disgusted by it.  I doubt that anyone thinks it’s a good topic to bring up in a public forum.  Unless you like a good kerfuffle.

That’s a real headline, folks

That’s a real headline, folks

Manager of Fukuoka Owl Cafe Alleged in Prostitution Ring

I’ve heard of a Bunny Ranch, but an Owl Cafe?  Where did this happen?  Oh.  Japan.  That explains a lot – but not everything.  The link goes to a story at The Tokyo Reporter, which from appearances seems to cover the Tokyo Hooker beat.  In reading the story, we learn that there was no connection between the Owl Cafe and the prostitution ring other than the fact that the manager of the Owl Cafe was (allegedly) involved in the prostitution ring whereby an outcall “delivery health” business delivered prostitutes to “love hotels” in order to…*ahem*…conduct business.  I am not making this up.

OK, so it’s the world’s oldest profession.  We all understand how that works.  What I want to know is, what the heck is an Owl Cafe?  Not THE Owl Cafe, rather AN Owl Cafe.  Turns out an Owl Cafe is a little restaurant featuring several varieties of Owls that may be “handled by customers”.  Managed by a prostitution ring leader.  Riiiiight.  Well, everybody knows that what happens in Fukuoka stays in Fukuoka.

Music Friday – 1966 Iconic “Also Rans” Edition

Music Friday – 1966 Iconic “Also Rans” Edition

As I mentioned in the previous post(scroll down) there were many great songs on the BillBoard Hot 100 Charts in 1966.  Follow this link to the chart to see for yourself or listen to these three I picked out.  You’re Welcome!

Simon & Garfunkel, The Sound of Silence (2 weeks at #1)

The Righteous Brothers, (You’re My) Soul and Inspiration (3 weeks at #1)

The Mamas & the Papas, Monday, Monday (3 weeks at #1)

Have a great weekend!

Music Friday – 1966 BillBoard Hot 100 Edition

Music Friday – 1966 BillBoard Hot 100 Edition

My quest to determine my “peak music year” continues this week.  As you may or may not recall (or care for that matter) I resolved to examine the BillBoard Hot 100 charts from 1965 to 1975, see who were the groups or artists with the most #1 songs in each year, then choose  a favorite from those and then deem the year that artist or group “won” as my peak music year.  Not very scientific, but it’s the best I have for now.  Anyhoo, last week we stated with 1965, so this week it’s 1966.

And the 1966 Winner is…The Beatles.  Again.  I think this may end up being a trend that will come to a halt after 1970.  However…I noticed a couple things that I hadn’t anticipated.  First is the fact that choosing a “winner” based on the quantity of #1 songs might not be fair.  For example, the Beatles had the #1 song for 4 different times for a total of 5 weeks, but with only two songs.  There was another artist who had only one #1 song that year (Sgt. Barry Sandler, The Ballad of the Green Berets), but it was at #1 for 5 weeks.  So, also 5 weeks at #1, but only 1 song.

Next, I noticed that there are a lot of awesome “one hit wonders” – songs that were at #1 a single time for one week only, some obscure and some iconic.  Case in point: Wild Thing by The Troggs; Good Vibrations by The Beach Boys.  You get the idea – take a look at the chart and see for yourself.  Even The Chairman of the Board, Frank Sinatra had a #1 that year with Strangers in the Night.  Doobie doobie doo indeed.  So I think I’ll have to give 1966 an asterisk for overall additional awesomeness.  By the way you can click on any of those song titles to listen.  And here, once again are The Beatles with their two songs that held the #1 position for a total of five weeks in 1966:  We Can Work It Out and Paperback Writer.  Enjoy!  Oh, and… comments!



Will Your Next Best Friend Be a Robot?

Will Your Next Best Friend Be a Robot?

The question comes to us courtesy of Popular Science.  And it appears that the answer to that question is much more liklely to be “yes” if you live in Japan.  Do those people have problems relating to one another or what?  They really seem to put alot of thought into robot existentialism if you ask me.  Don’t believe me?  Follow the link and read the article.

My next best friend will not be a robot.


Voyager I Still Cruisin’

Voyager I Still Cruisin’

Launched just over 37 years ago in September 1977, the probe is now about 18 light-hours away from home.  How do we know?  Why from reading Voyager I’s twitter feed that’s how.  Yup.  Voyager I is on Twitter.

Reminds me of this.  Long intro…stick with it though.  Or skip ahead to 0:45. You’re welcome.


“These Clowns Aren’t Funny Anymore”

“These Clowns Aren’t Funny Anymore”

Post title is a pull quote from the article: Fake Clown Attacks Put French Police On Alert and Trigger Vigilante Response

I guess the Wasco Clown thing has gone global.  Gangs of what are being decribed as “Fake Clowns” are apparently roaming the French counrtyside sowing  terror and committing at least a few crimes, as reported by the U.K. Guardian.  The fad, said to be fueled by social media, is to get into your clown gear and go act scary. There are more than a few people who are scared of clowns anyway, so someone wouldn’t have to do much to look menacing.  Just standing there might be enough.  But not satisfied with the subtle approach some are choosing to roam around in groups, carrying various weapons.  The story states some have pistols, but I doubt that.  This is France we’re talking about.

The term “Fake Clown” caught my eye.  How can you tell a fake clown from a genuine one?  Aside from the blood dripping fangs and the  weapons of mayhem I mean.  Do French clowns carry special ID’s?  I suppose the context would be a tip off.  Guy with a big bunch of balloons at the carnival?  Possibly geniune.  Large gang roaming the coutryside after curfew toting machetes and scythes?  Hmmm.  Probably not card carrying members of The Costumed Comic Entertainers Guild.  Anyway, as one French Newspaper put it, these clowns aren’t funny anymore.  Rather, ces clowns ne sont pas drôles plus.

All this bad publicity has France’s real clowns somewhat perturbed.  Phillippe Herrreman, who runs a team of eight clowns called The Clowns of Hope said that he hoped the evil clowns would soon disappear.  For some clowns there is always hope.

In the meantime, my prediction is that eventually one of these clowns is going to get killed.  Rather, l’un de ces clowns va se faire tuer.

I think it says "you've found one"

I think it says “you’ve found one”


Japan + Cat + YouTube = WTF?

Japan + Cat + YouTube = WTF?

Res Ipsa Loquitur:


Music Friday – 1965 Runners Up Edition

Music Friday – 1965 Runners Up Edition

In my earlier post (scroll down) about the 1965 BillBoard Hot 100 charts, I mentioned that The Supremes were runners up to the Beatles with four #1 songs that year (the Beatles  had five).  The four #1’s for The Supremes were Come See About Me, Stop In The Name of Love, Back In My Arms Again and I hear a Symphony.  The only other groups with multiple #1’s that year were The Rolling Stones (Satisfaction, Get Off My Cloud) and Herman’s Hermits (Mrs. Brown You’ve Got A Lovely Daughter, I’m Henry VII, I am).  I’ll embed here one song from each group, but if you click on the other song titles, the link will take you to a YouTube video of that song.  Enjoy!

The Supremes

The Stones

Herman’s Hermits

Kind of hard to believe that the original Rolling Stones, most of them anyway, are still touring today considering all the drugs and alcohol they must have gone through.  Brian Jones did succumb to his excesses.

Music Friday – 1965 Billboard Hot 100 Edition

Music Friday – 1965 Billboard Hot 100 Edition

I have decided to embark on a journey of discovery to determine my Peak Music year, which you may remember me discussing in an earlier post, “What Does My Taste In Music Say About Me?” Initially I was at a loss as to how this could be accomplished, and after some thought I decided that there would be no truly scientific way to study this, that there would be a large measure of subjectivity involved.  Since we’re talking about my taste in music, which is really just my opinion, I figured subjectivity would be OK.  In some of my Music Friday posts where I give background on the songs I’ve chosen; I often reference where the song placed on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart in a certain year.  With that in mind I decided the measurement of a song’s popularity as measured by the BillBoard Hot 100 chart could form a basis of information to determine what year is my “Peak Music” year.  Fortunately, all the Billboard charts going back to 1958 are archived online at the Billboard Magazine website.  1958 is plenty far enough for my purposes, since I was only born in 1956 and have decided arbitrarily that I would start my search at 1965 anyway.  Side note:  in addition to viewing the weekly charts, you can listen to the songs through Spotify.  If you don’t have a Spotify account you can set one up for free, you just need to provide your e-mail address.

This is going to be a process.  Since I’ve decided that my peak music year is likely to fall between 1965 and 1975, I will research those years first.  If I am unsatisfied with the end result, I will expand the survey to earlier and later years.  Since the BillBoard Hot 100 chart is released weekly, there are 52 charts per given year, each chart with 100 songs on it.  Yikes!  I have decided, again arbitrarily, to review only the #1 songs from each weekly chart and determine which artist or group had the most #1’s.  The artist or group with the most #1 songs in a given year I will deem the “most popular” of that year.  Then based on that I will decide which of those ten artists or groups are my favorite and that year they were the “most popular” will be my “Peak Music” year.  Make sense?  Probably not, but I’m going with it anyway.

Oh…and once I determine the winner for a given year, I will feature that artist’s #1 song (or songs) on that Music Friday.

So…the 1965 Billboard Hot 100.  Winner:  The Beatles with five #1’s – I Feel Fine, Eight Days a Week, Ticket to Ride, Help! and Yesterday.

Runners up were The Supremes with four #1’s.  The only other groups with multiple #1’s were The Rolling Stones and Herman’s Hermits with two apiece.

So Here are the Beatle’s #1 songs from 1965.  Since I just featured Eight Days a Week last Friday, follow this link for that song.  The others follow now.






Next week – 1966!  See ya!

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