Ego Vero Seek and you shall find... Ask and the door shall be opened - page 9

Logic in Short Supply at State Capitol

Logic in Short Supply at State Capitol

What else is new?  Jumping off my ealier rant (scroll down) about Liberal Utopia Building in California, here’s a perfect example of our “leaders” using a bad idea to solve a non-existent problem.  Remember – when the government steps in to help, you’re either going to have your pocket picked or your going to get…umm…”molested”.  If you know what I mean and I think you do.

Case in point:  California Outlaws Plastic Bags and Ignore The Evidence.

Again, what else is new.  When the Legislature’s in session, there’s work to be done.  We don’t have time for “evidence” and “logic”.

Old and Busted: If you build it they will come…

Old and Busted: If you build it they will come…

New Hotness: If you build it they will go

Since the advent of one party rule, the effort to build the California People’s Republic of Zen Utopia continues apace.  The California Republic part was built a long time ago by Men Who Matched Her Mountains.  The Zen Utopia part is being manifested today by Persons Who Can’t Think Straight.

California was built and they did come.  It is the most populous state in the union, and was at one time the 9th largest economy on the planet.  We had industry, agriculture and infrastructure, good jobs and a vibrant economy.  Our public education system, K-12, State Colleges and Universities was the envy of the world, much less the Nation.  We had it made.

How can you improve on that?  What’s missing?  Well, we need some liberal fascism for sure.  What else?  Utopia ain’t cheap and people need to pay their fair share, so we’ll need high taxes and burdensome regulations to keep those evil businessmen and The Rich in line.  And don’t forget!  We need some good old idiotic feel good legislation.  Doesn’t matter if it’s a bad idea, as long as it sounds good.  And a train.  A giant money sucking hole of a train to nowhere.  No utopia can be complete without a train between Los Angeles and San Francisco, north and south utopia.

Can Utopia be built?  Well, California certainly has the scenery for it.  But if Utopia is a perfect community or society, can that be achieved in light of the fact that one man’s perfection is another man’s oppression?  Do you force everyone into groupthink?  If so, what becomes of our sacred “Diversity®”?  I thought it was to be celebrated as our greatest strength?  What’s that you say?  Diversity through conformity?  Oh.  OK.

California’s population has doubled since the 1970’s.  So we could probably use some new highways.  Or some new reservoirs so agriculture and our thirsty cities have more stable water supplies.  Oh…here’s an idea.  Let’s bring more power plants online so we have cheap and plentiful energy for industry and the population at large.  D’oh!  What am I thinking?  I took off my Birkenstocks for a minute and stopped thinking like a burnt out Haight-Ashbury refugee.  There can be no highways, dams or power plants in Utopia.  Utopians will not drive, shower or irrigate, nor use electricity.

So, it’s being built and… they’re leaving.  We’re leaving.

Well, nice try.  As my mother used to say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  When everything you know is wrong and you set out to build utopia, what you may end up with is likely to be something quite different.  Judging by all the good intentions bandied about the Capitol, we must surely be on the road to hell.  We haven’t quite got there yet…but you can see it from here.

Are You Worried about the vicissitudes of life?

Are You Worried about the vicissitudes of life?

You know…vicissitudes… the changes or variations occurring in the course of life.  Well, are you?  I’m not.  But if you are, maybe you’d like to consider a virtual presence device.  Like this:

Don’t laugh.  I mean, yes, laugh becasue that’s supposed to be funny.  But don’t laugh at this – apparently this is becoming a thing – see this article at PC Mag.  The geeks are the ones who decide what becomes a thing and what doesn’t.  And the Geeks are telling us This Will Be a Thing!   Meh.  Might not be so bad.  Harder to catch Ebola, I suppose.  But it will probably lead to something like this:

robot cat

Now can you tell me just how in the heck that thing is supposed to get in and out of the litter box?

She’s BAAaaack….”that woman….

She’s BAAaaack….”that woman….

….Ms. Lewisnsky“.  Poor thing.  Hasn’t she been humiliated enough already?

Yes, Monica Lewinsky has emerged from her self-imposed exile in what appears to be an attempt to rehabilitate her image.  She has recently published an article in Vanity Fair magazine, and given a speech to young entrepeneurs at the Forbes 30 under 30 Summit, staking a claim on victimhood over the entire…*ahem*…affair.  Don’t get me wrong;  I have a certain amount of sympathy for her inasmuch as I believe she was a naive young woman, was used and discarded by a powerful man.  I mean, she says she was “in love” with The President and thought they had a shot a being together.  All I can say about that is either she was (is?) extremely naive, perhaps dangerously so, or Clinton really laid it on thick to get what he wanted.  I mean, c’mon.  Hillary’s just going to fade away so Monica can have Bill all to herself?  Not likely.  Monica would end up in Fort Marcy Park before that would happen.  In the context of those events, yes, she was victimized.  But she doesn’t acknowledge that victimization.  She claims she was victimized by…The Internet.  And Matt Drudge.  And Ken Starr.  What about Bill?  I LOVED him…so he’s blameless.  Except, he’s not.  He’s the only one to blame.  Stroll down memory lane, if you will, courtesy of The Other McCain.  If your memory of how events unfolded is foggy, a Robert Stacy McCain slap upside your head will bring things into focus.

Yes, this as an attempt at image rehabilitation with a twist.  By that I mean that I’m not so sure that this whole image rehabilitation was her idea.  Could this have anything to do with the resurgent Clinton Political Dynasty?  Is Hillary clearing the scandal spindle?  Hmmm…let’s think for a minute.  Cui Bono?  Who does this help?  I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if there was a little bird (winged monkey?) whispering in Monica’s ear.  I mean, why now?  And why cast the blame everywhere except where it truly belongs – on the shoulders of William Jefferson Clinton?

Monica: “Something something it’s not Bill’s fault!  I still love you, Bill! wink wink”.

Who thinks that’s a good idea?  Nobody sane, that’s who.  And so I don’t think the victimization of Monica Lewinsky is over.  He used her once, he’s gonna use her again.  War on Women, indeed.

Earths’ Magnetic Field Could Flip Faster Than We Thought

Earths’ Magnetic Field Could Flip Faster Than We Thought

Huh Wha…..?  The Earth’s magnetic poles could reverse?  And sooner than we thought?  To the barricades! Break out the survival gear!

Freeze dride food? Check.  

Ammo? Check.  

Gas for the generator? Check.  

Big pile of gold bars? …….Dammit!

According to the fear mongers at Popular Science we are due for a reversal of the earth’s magnetic poles, the most recent of which was about 780,000 years ago.  The next one had not been expected to occur  for another million years or so, but now they say it could happen sooner than we thought!  I blame Obama.

Up until now, I was under the impression that our impending doom would arrive via the Robot Revolution.  Either that or  the Higgs Boson Doomsday, which we shouldn’t worry about because of it’s instantaneous nature.  Now we’re forced to sit and wait in horrible anticipation of yet another doom that may not come for two or three millenia.  That’s a long wait!  According to the article we can expect…hang on a sec, lemme find it….we can expect…

“Scientists haven’t found any evidence that previous reversals caused any major damage to inhabitants of the earth.”

Oh.  OK then.  Never Mind.



It Doesn’t Get Any More American Than This

It Doesn’t Get Any More American Than This

Guy plays the national anthem with a rifle.  A Ruger 10/22 to be exact, which I had previously only suspected was the most versatile of firearms.  Now I  am convinced of that fact.  If you have a hammer, a crescent wrench, two screwdrivers (phillips and common), a roll of duct tape and a Ruger 10/22 (with ammo) you can accomplish just about anything.

The tempo is a little suspect, but with some more practice and better target placement I’m sure that can be improved.

Hat Tip:  Ace of Spades HQ

OK, so this happened…

OK, so this happened…

Of course, it happened in Japan:

Tokyo Cops Bust School Girl Sniff Parlor

I’m still trying to decide if that’s for real or if it’s a hoax.  If it’s a hoax, someone put a lot of time into it.  Since truth is often stranger than fiction, I guess there’s a good chance it’s true.  On second thought, it’s Japan.  So it’s gotta be true.

Now this:


Music Friday – Re-Re Undeconstructed edition

Music Friday – Re-Re Undeconstructed edition

Once I start Beatle-ing I can’t stop.  So three more songs for you of the non-obscure variety, timeless and especially meanigful to me (and I hope you, too!).  Enjoy!

In my life, I get by with a little help from my friends eight days a week.




Music Friday – UNdeconstructed Edition

Music Friday – UNdeconstructed Edition

Here are a few un-deconstructed Beatles tunes.  I mean re-constructed.  Wait.  Constructed?  Skip it.  These are just a few of my favorite (and hopefully more obscure) Beatles tunes.

Tell me what you see.

Think for yourself.

And your bird can sing!

Tell me you’ve seen seven wonders indeed.  Now you’ve heard three.

Music Friday – Deconstructed Edition

Music Friday – Deconstructed Edition

As in deconstructing the Beatles.  This is a little about the music and a little about how it is was made, that is, performed and recorded.  Or at least how it was done in “the olden days”.  Here is a YouTube video that breaks down Sgt. Pepper’s Lonley Heart’s Club Band into the 4 tracks it was recorded on.  Yep, the analog tape machines of the day only recorded on 4 tracks, so the engineers had to get a little creative.  George Martin who produced and/or engineered many Beatles recordings is considered an early master at fitting everything onto the 4 available tracks, a practice known as “ping-ponging”.

Interesting, no?  I think it holds up well strictly as an instrumental.  And the harmonies seem all the more…harmonious when you hear them a capella.  Anyway, lots of Deconstructing The Beatles videos at YouTube if you’re interested.

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