The Robots are coming! The Robots are coming!
First they came for our jobs, and I said nothing because I was unemployed. Is this how the robot revolution begins?
Perhaps my anxiety is uncalled for. In fact as is the case with most of my anxiety, paranoia, general hysteria and impalpable ranting, I’m sure it is. If history is our guide, then we can predict a shift in employment, but not an end to employment. At the end of the nineteenth century, most American jobs were in agriculture. When those jobs were taken over by machines, employment shifted to manufacturing. Then those jobs were automated. The employment shifted again to Tech and Services, the jobs that the ‘bots are eyeing now through their little red glowing IR sensor eyeballs…err…CMOS chips. Is that the end of the line? No. Employment will shift to areas reliant on tasks that robots cannot perform – yet. What those areas are I can’t say off the top of my head, but I’m sure they exist – or will exist. And when the robots take over those jobs, humans will be employed in other industries possibly yet unheard of. One hundred years ago the occupation of, say, software engineer had’t been imagined. Today it is commonplace and often lucrative. So I think it’s safe to say that there will be occupations that exist one hundred years from now that we cannot imagine today.
Technology is advancing at an exponential rate. Consider that personal computers were only introduced about 30 years ago and were very expensive. Now everyone carries a better more powerful computer around in their pocket. One that probably didn’t cost much – it might have even been free. When my father was my age, neither the PC nor the Smartphone had been invented. What types of technology might there be when my sons reach my age? I don’t know. I literally do not know. I only know that the trend seems to be toward artificial intelligence and robotics. It is hard to imagine where that’s going to lead us.
So perhaps the real question is, what (or who) is going to take over the jobs that robots are doing? The next couple hundred years should be interesting; let’s hope it doesn’t get weird. OK, check that. We know it’s gonna get weird. Let’s just hope it doesn’t get too weird.