Surreal is one of those words that has crept into common use – over use (and incorrect use) in my opinion.  Surreal is defined as having to do with surrealism, or as an adjective is used to define something having a disorienting or hallucinatory quality.

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I believe the way it is used today is an evolution of the word “unreal” which was introduced to the popular jargon in the 60’s and 70’s.  Along with phrases like “far out” and “right on”, unreal is a generic idiom for something like “wow”.  Or when a person sees something unusual or unexpected they might exclaim “unreal!” or describe an unusual thing or an event as “unreal”.  That evolved into “surreal”, I think becusue it surreal sounds better and people think it makes them sound smart.  But it doesn’t – so stop saying it!  Unless you look outthe window of your giant mushroom house and the sky is purple, full of orange clouds, it’s raining fish and your dog (with a lion’s head) is flying around the yard snatching them out of mid-air.  Then you are free to enjoin: “that is so surreal!”