One way to make yourself miserable is to stay angry and agitated all the time. And one way to do that is to stay focused on politics all the time. Personally, I think that’s a bad idea and I say that as someone who is very interested in politics.
So, here comes the latest bad idea – Buypartisan. The app that helps “make every day election day” through “spending choices”. It lets you scan a product’s barcode to get information on which political party the company’s CEO, Board of Directors and employees donate to. Reviews of the app can be found here and here or at many places via google.
So this app should do two things to create more angry people – first there will be more people clogging the aisles at your favorite grocery outlet on their smartphones. That’s not gonna make anyone happy. Then, those people using the app will be ticked when they realize the CEO of the company that makes their favorite cornflakes donates money to the “wrong” party. I predict, chaos, mayhem and mass hysteria.
Politics is not unimportant, but we are all more than simply our political identity. At some point you have to distance yourself from political considerations and just live your life. Life is not a zero sum game. Money flows where money flows. Sometimes you just have to let it be.