Let us stipulate that California is a lovely place to live. And further let us agree that people are free to believe whatever they like. But it gets harder and harder to stay here due to the fact that some of the people in power here believe some of the stupidest things. Among the majorities in the city councils of our most populous cities, and in the Democratic majorities in both houses of our state legislature there are, in my opinion some seriously fuzzy headed thinkers. Which in and of itself should not pose a problem, since as I stated earlier I believe they are free to believe what they wish. The problem comes when they deign to impose their fallacies on everyone in the name of their utopian thinking.
There is a plan afoot to ban plastic shopping bags – First they came for the paper shopping bags and I said nothing, because I preferred plastic. Now there is a bill in the state assembly that will impose a statewide ban on disposable plastic shopping bags. Because they take up to much room in the landfill or something. THERE IS NO GOOD REASON TO DO THIS (caps intended). If you believe there is, you are wrong. Never mind that environmentally friendly reusable shopping bags cause the spread of e. coli, norovirus and salmonella. This constitutes a serious public health risk.
Now their sights are set on plastic water bottles – the San Francisco city council has banned the sale of plastic water bottles on municipal property and will pursue a city wide ban. For no reason other than some people don’t like these and so you shouldn’t either. Oh, they have their reasons, but they are nonsensical. Supervisor David Chiu’s reason is that it takes 1,000 years for 1 bottle to bio-degrade!!!!!! That’s a long time! I have an idea that makes just as much sense. Just pass a law stating that a year will now be 365,000 days long. Now those pesky bottles will degrade in only a single year. That’s more like it! Or we could recycle them. I wonder how many years that takes….oh, never mind.
There is no aspect of your life that is too profound or too trivial that a do-gooder won’t step in and tell you how you must do it, or that you can’t do it. And when their utopia is finally realized it is certain to be hell on earth. Because every single person will be oppressed to one degree or another when all that is not forbidden is mandatory.