Who’s smarter? You or your TV? You or your phone? You or your (fill in the blank)?
We are on the verge of The Internet Of Things where more and more everyday devices we use become “smart” and collect data about us which they transmit to a central collection point somewhere all in the cause of creating for us a better “user experience” or a more convenient life.
So if you want to buy a “Smart” TV because you need that extra convenience of being able to speak to it instead of wearing out your fingers on the remote, you’re in luck. Such gadgets are available from major manufacturers including Samsung. And if your able to speak to it, it’s going to have to be able to listen to you, right? And in order to obey you, it’s going to have to understand you. And in order to understand you, it’s going to have to learn about you.
So? What could possibly go wrong? I mean, as long as I gets to watch me some TeeVee, it’s all good.
Sure, it’s all good now. As more and more data is collected the potential for it’s abuse grows. One thing we know for sure is that if something can be abused, it will be abused. That, my friends is a lead pipe cinch. First comes prediction, then manipulation, then outright control.
So when your smart thermostat won’t let you turn the heat up, or your smart car won’t drive you to McDonald’s, or your smart bottle opener won’t open your beer (all for your own good), don’t come whining to me. Of course, I suppose if a smart tv keeps just one person from watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians it will all be worth it.